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Visitors 61
Modified 2-Feb-25
Created 28-Jul-12
55 photos

A family trip together with my friend Morten Bjørn Larsen and his family.

Sadly, the dive condition was awfull due to 2 weeks of really bad wheather, the worst in twenty years. Heavy heavy rain and strong vinds reduced the visibility just to about 3-4 meters and a lot of current on our first dive day.

Dive sites - King Cruiser Wreck, Shark Point, Koh Doc Mai, Anemone Reef and 2 local dive at Ao Nang, Krabi: Koh Mai Urai and Koh Ya Wa Sam

Nikon D80 in Hugyfot house
Tokina 10-17 mm fisheye
Sigma 70 mm macro
Kenko 1.4 teleconverter
2 x Sea & Sea YS 110

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