Welcome to my home page - peterschoukaiser.dk
I started to snorkel at my parents summer cottage when I was a litltle boy and have been fascinated by the amazing ocean life ever since.
I took my first open water dive/certificate on a backpacker trip to the Philippines in Puerto Galera in 1998.
In 2003 I bought my first UW camera. A 2 million pixels Canon A40 in a Canon UW housing. That started my passion for UW photography.
In 2006 I finally got the time to bee more serious about my diving. I upgraded my certificate to Advance Open Water and got the Nitrox certificates as well. In the same year I went to Mexico for my frist dive trip.
In 2007 I upgraded my camera to a compact camera with one external flash. This was when I realized that I needed to spend more hours underwater to develop my skills both as an diver but also as a underwater photographer to get some nice colorful pictes. I was not that easy as I thought.
In 2009 I got my frist DSLR camera and a UW house.
Oceans around the world are under big presure due to overfishing, pollution and plastic etc. We human the must intelligent creature on earth takes the oceans and the nature for granted and behave that the world belong to us only. But we are very much dependent by a healty nature and oceans and and only we can act on that.
Hopefully by showing the oceans I can help to change the way we are thinking and start to take care about the nature and the oceans around the world.
We all live on the same adress, not just the human!
Enjoy and warm welcome to a amazing underwater world